Ep 02 | Let’s go to Puna
At the center of this episode is Khrisna Venu, whose sannyasin name means “The flute of Khrisna”. He got it at the age of 4, in India. His mother was renamed Ma Prem Anugatha, which means “A little love story”. She received her sannyasin name in Puna too. Osho himself initiated both of them, giving them a new identity, along with a new destiny. Anugatha and Venu, mother and son, are deeply connected: they went through a bonding experience, that they lived together and separated at the same time.

by Roberta Lippi
Soli is one of the first International productions by Italian podcast platform
Soli brings to the audience the true stories of “Osho’s children”, who in the late 70s and early 80s were brought by their parents to live in the controversial guru’s communes. We hear their memories and voices, discovering the mixed feelings they have now, as adults, towards their childhood journey: the awareness of freedom and unconventionalism, of being part of a special world, but also the confusion, the premature sexual experiences they were exposed to and the loneliness they all felt. They tell how they came to terms with something that deeply affected them, when their parents, suddenly, decided to leave everything and put them in common, at all levels. The International version of Soli has been translated by Edoardo Rialti, the official Italian translator of G.R.R. Martin. The International voice of Roberta Lippi is Cecilia Gragnani.
Cover image by Martino Pietropoli
Music by Smokelab
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