by Angelica De Vito with Luciano Canova
A podcast produced in partnership with NatPower
Sustainability is a complex challenge. The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, in setting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, has established that sustainability is not just an environmental issue, but also a social and economic one. This integrated vision is what must guide us toward changing our development model. A path to be taken together, as a community, because individual actions, while important, are not sufficient without an adequate institutional and legal framework.Mission Earth is a 5-part journey through the facts, themes, myths, and virtuous practices of the ecological transition we are experiencing.
Ep. 02 | Earth
The issue of land and soil quality rarely takes center stage when discussing ecological transition. Yet, in the European Union alone, urbanization, desertification, erosion, and soil sealing lead to the loss of tens of thousands of square kilometers ...
Ep. 01 | Waste
According to the most reliable estimates, around 4 billion tons of waste are produced globally every year. This enormous mass could already cover an area the size of France, and it is expected to grow even more in the coming years. But how did we rea...
Sustainability is a complex challenge. The United Nations' 2030 Agenda, in setting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, has established that sustainability is not just an environmental issue, but also a social and economic one. This integrated visio...

Born in Naples, Italy, in 1995, Angelica De Vito graduated in Law at the University Federico II of Naples. After a first LLM in Alternative Dispute Resolution at Queen Mary University of London, she won a Fulbright scholarship to Pace University in New York, where she obtained a Second Level LLM in Environmental Law.
After spending years working with migrants fleeing war-torn countries, he combined his passion for immigration law and environmental law, focusing his research on climate migration, eventually working as a consultant at the United Nations, assisting diplomats and ambassadors in the study of the two subjects.

Luciano Canova was born in Sondrio in 1978. An atypical economist, he graduated from Bocconi in 2002 in Economic and Social Disciplines and took his doctorate in 2008 after some wandering around Europe, first at the University of Sussex, for a master’s degree in development economics, and in Tirana afterwards to complete his research on poverty measurement indicators. He spent two years in Paris as a CNRS researcher at the Paris School of Economics and returned to Italy in 2009, where he has since been a member of the small faculty of the Enrico Mattei School of Eni Corporate University. There he works on and teaches behavioural economics.
He has published several essays on economics: “Pop Economy” (2015) e la “Scienza dei goal” (2016) with Hoepli, “Scelgo dunque sono: guida galattica per irrazionali in economia” (2017) and “Galileo Reloaded” (2018) with Egea; “Il metro della felicità” (Mondadori 2019), a book on the measurement of well-being in economics, which is his favourite research topic. For storielibere he is the author and host of the cult podcast series FAVOLOSA ECONOMIA.
A podcast by Angelica De Vito with Luciano Canova
A podcast produced in partnership with NatPower
Edited by Guido Guenci
Illustration of Giacomo Botto
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