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Alfabeto Italiano – ENG

Of Maria Teresa Carbone

A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in collaboration with cultural association Monteverdelegge

How does the world of books operate today? What does the work of a publishing house consist of? And how do Italian publishers look abroad? Alfabeto Italiano, the podcast made by Storielibere for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, tells the story of publishing in Italy in 24 words, from A to Z. This journey to discovery the passionate work hidden behind every book is conducted by Maria Teresa Carbone, author, journalist and translator, who meets the heads of publishing houses, booksellers and communicators, graphic designers and translators, teachers and illustrators: an ideal journey towards two events where Italians will be to the fore, the Salon du Livre de Paris 2023 and the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2024.

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in collaboration with cultural association Monteverdelegge What is a publishing house? A laboratory of necessary ideas. A place where ideas, work, e...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in collaboration with cultural association Monteverdelegge What does the work of a translator entail? Are there special rules to follow? How importa...

  • What does the work of a translator entail? Are there special rules to follow? How important is it to be faithful to the original text? These are ancient questions: Cicero raised them more than two thousand years ago when translating the speeches of A...

  • What is the role of the press office of a publishing house? What strategies are deployed to enable the public to discover a book? Leafing through the letters of Alfabeto italiano, the page opens at the letter U: U as in “Ufficio Stampa”, or Press ...

  • What is the role of a bookshop, now that we’ve gotten so used to buying books online? And what are booksellers doing to offer an alternative to the giants of the web? Leafing through the letters of Alfabeto italiano, the page opens at the letter L...

  • What exactly does the editorial department of a publishing house do? What are the steps that a text, created by the pen or keyboard of the person who conceived and composed it, must go through to be ready for its public? Leafing through the letter...

  • How does a publishing house build up its catalogue? And what does this word generally mean when we include it in the complex system that is publishing? Leafing through the pages of Alfabeto Italiano, the page has opened at the letter C - C as in Cat...

  • What does the work of a literary agent involve? How come the number of literary agencies in Italy has multiplied in recent years? And what changes are underway? Leafing through the letters of Alfabeto Italiano, the page opens at the letter A: A as i...

  • When we talk about publishing in Italy, what are we referring to? What are the challenges that a publishing house has to face nowadays? What needs to be known by those who intend to operate in that gigantic and complex “machine” that is the publishin...

  • How does a literary award work? What does it mean for a book to win the Strega or Campiello prize? What does the work of a jury entail? Entering a bookstore, passing by the display of new books on the counters, you can’t help being attracted by the ...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in collaboration with cultural association Monteverdelegge What does the “Fourth cover or back cover” mean? How do the short texts that we read on t...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in collaboration with cultural association Monteverdelegge What is the relationship between reading and leisure time? In what way do books help us t...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge How does the world’s most important professional event for children’s publishing, the Child...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge How does the world’s most important professional event for children’s publishing, the Child...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge Where does Italian publishing stand on the international market? How can Italian publishing h...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge How is the cover of a book created? How is it made up into pages? What is the relationship ...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge How do those very special books intended for schools come about and how are they put togeth...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge How did the cultural festivals held every year in so many Italian cities come about? Who ar...

  • How important are the classics in the backlists of publishing houses today? And, generally, how significant are they in the publishing market? Leafing through the Alfabeto Italiano, the page opens at the letter Z, Z for Zibaldone, Italian for Hotc...

  • Who are the readers that come under the editorial definition “young adults”? What do teens want to read in that most complicated period of life, adolescence? And how has this segment of Italian publishing changed in recent times? Leafing through ...

  • What does "new” mean when we talk about publishing? How long, that is, can a book be described as “new”? And what is the relationship between new books and those on the catalogue in a publisher’s production? But, above all, how important is it for a ...

  • How did audio books – sometimes jokingly called “books for ears” - come about? How were they adopted in Italy? And how can their great popularity in recent years be explained? Leafing through the Alfabeto italiano, the page opens at the letter O,...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge How does an extra-small publishing house operate? What are the challenges that the many sma...

  • A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in partnership with cultural association Monteverdelegge What is the fascination of books that start from an image, a drawing, rather than words? Ho...



Maria Teresa Carbone è giornalista, autrice e traduttrice. Segue da molti anni l’editoria italiana e internazionale a cui dedica fra l’altro una rubrica settimanale per il quotidiano “il manifesto”, dove ha lavorato a lungo come redattrice culturale. Scrive inoltre di letteratura, fotografia e cinema, tiene corsi di giornalismo e si occupa di educazione alla lettura. In passato ha coordinato la redazione della rivista “alfabeta2”, ha diretto la sezione Arti del settimanale “pagina99” e ha organizzato alcune edizioni del festival “romapoesia”. Ha pubblicato I luoghi della memoria (Dedalo 1986), 99 leggende urbane (Mondadori 1990), 111 cani e le loro strane storie (Emons 2017) e la raccolta di poesie Calendiario (Aragno 2020). Ha tradotto, tra gli altri, testi di Joseph Conrad, Breyten Breytenbach, Zoë Wicomb, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Paul Virilio, Marie Dépussé.


A production of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and, in collaboration with cultural association Monteverdelegge

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